Open Range Native American Outreach
My interest in working with the Native Americans started in 2000 as a college football coach at Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, Kansas. The experience I had and the lifelong relationships l fostered at Haskell led me to a ministry to the Native Americans. I found out that the suicide rate for native youth on many reservations is 5 times higher than the national average. I knew
I had to do something. We are now collecting and storing new Christmas toys throughout the year and going to the Navajo/Hopi reservation every December to bless the children of the Navajo and Hopi tribes in northeast Arizona.
God has also opened a partnership for us with Indian Avenue Baptist Church. Indian Avenue Baptist Church is part of Haskell Baptist Ministries, a four-part strategy to reach Haskell students for Christ and help them become spiritual leaders. The other parts of Haskell Baptist Ministries are Baptist Student Union, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Go Teams, which send Haskell students and adults out to serve. We will be training leaders from the church with the #NoPlaceLeft tools of discipleship and church planting. Our goal is to plant student led groups in every dorm on campus and apply this training, which will allow the students to be equipped to start church plant groups in their communities after they go home.
Our Strategy
As part of the #NoPlaceLeft KC group, I have been using the tools and strategies to train several groups in the Kansas City area. I have helped train international missionaries with All Nations and YWAM along with several churches.
#NoPlaceLeft is local ownership of the core missionary task for every people group and place. In short, we desire to see locals take up the task of fulfilling the Great Commission in their geographical area or among their people group.
By equipping laborers locally with tools and strategy to enter new fields and establish new churches, we desire to create a pipeline of harvest laborers from the harvest to the mission field to finish the task so that the Gospel would be proclaimed among the nations, to all people.
Our end vision is that the Gospel would be proclaimed among all the nations through local (indigenous) churches. Many places still do not have a Gospel witness, therefore, we are tasked with the assignment to lay a foundation for the Gospel to sound forth among these people and places.
As we labor in KC and at Haskell, we want to raise up laborers out of the harvest. We want to equip them and send them back into the harvest as workers, planters, and pastors. Pursuing movement locally, we pray God would use that to spark Gospel fires globally.

How To Partner With Us
We would love to establish relationships with individuals, businesses, and churches around the world that have a heart for missions, especially those with a heart for the Native Americans.
Join our prayer team to help reach the Native Americans
Collect new toys for our Navajo/Hopi Mission trip in December.
Join us on one of our Mission trips to the Navajo/Hopi reservation. This is a great way to see how the Navajo/Hopi live and spend some time getting to know them.
Join us in a #NoPlaceLeft training to learn how to make disciples who make disciples and fulfill the Great Commission.

Anchor Church
Open Range Fellowship
Lone Jack, MO
A fellowship of believers dedicated to reaching out and lifting up Jesus Christ as Lord to the world. We connect with those who love horses, cowboy culture, and the rural lifestyle.